Monday, August 6, 2007

First day of SIGGRAPH

Got up at 7am, had breakfast and then dashed down to the conference center. Our first session was and introduction to SIGGRAPH and computer graphics. We did the intro bit but bailed on the computer graphics part and joined into the last part of the special session for Ratatouille which is Pixar's newest film.

This session covered all the work and techniques for the animations of food being chopped and dough being rolled (Ratatouille is all about a bunch of rats helping out a young chef). It also covered the fluid dynamics for the soup and other things like the work flow between the different departments. Very interesting.

We then went to check out the student art gallery whilst waiting for the main art gallery to open. There were some very cool bits of art and a number of great interactive pieces.

For instance there was a piece in which you filled up two jars with corn. Based on the level of corn in each jar the display selected two countries based on their annual corn production. It then displayed various economic stats comparing the two countries. If you rotated the jars then different stats were displayed. Another pieces was a table top that was an interactive book. It had a camera so video of you became part of the book as you "flipped" through the virtual book.

Had a quick peek at the art gallery area before having to go to my afternoon session on OpenGL programming. Some very cool things here:

  • An interactive table top on which you placed a "formula" tile. The big screen then started to plot out the function in 3D. Then on the table you put a camera model, depending on where you poistioned the camera or which way the camera was pointed the view of the plotted formula changed. You could then put a model of a surfer on the table and the view changed to the surfer's point of view as he surfed along the 3D model. They also had one which was a 3D model of a car that you could look around by moving the camera model.
  • A display that had three sensors that you clipped to your fingers. Based on your biometric readings it created animations and music.
  • A 360 display. Kinda like a Star Wars hologram. Its pretty awesome you can walk around the display and see the picture from any angle. Resolution was very good but it did seem to be limited to shades of grey.
  • Another interactive table onto which you could place different objects which would be interacted with by different animations. For instances bits of rope were treated as train tracks for an animated train. The tea cup saucer would become the center for a garden of animated flowers and forks the starting point for little cars to zoom from. I discovered that if you formed a loop with one of the bits of rope it would fill in, in blue and little ducks would pop up and swim in the newly formed pond.
I only had half and hour so will have to go back later.

My afternoon session on OpenGL was a good refresher and they covered some of the new things like shaders and GPU programming. Was good to get a concise (4 hours) overview.

The last session of the day was the "Fast Forward" presentation. This gave each presenter of a paper a minute to give a brief summary of their paper to help people decide what they wanted to see. Some of the highlights:

  • Photo clipart which uses big image databases (such as Flickr) to add elements such as people and cars or merges images to take away things in images such as buildings. Pretty amazing results.
  • Seam carving which is a technique to resize images without any stretching or squishing. It uses the data in the image to add more detail to the image !
  • A new technique to do lighting which means a scene with 100,000 lights renders in 15 seconds.
  • Antiradiance so that global illumination can be calculated on scenes in "real-time".
  • Videotrace which lets you build 3D models out of video footage you take with any old video camera
Definitely going to have to replan the schedule after seeing this.

The "Fast Forward" finished up at 8pm and we had dinner at an Italian place in the gaslight quarter.

Back at the hotel there seems to be a pool party going on. Its very loud so hopefully we will get some sleep. Gotta be up at 7:00 again :)

1 comment:

Amelia Ackerman said...

Hey my love, good to hear you guys are enjoying your junket. I love Young's bucket of seafood! Talk to you soon :)