Monday, August 13, 2007

San Jose - Sunday

We decided not to go to the amusement park as it turned out to be miles away. Instead we decided to just hang out in downtown San Jose instead. The jazz festival is on so lots of people , closed roads, stalls and of course jazz.

First stop was the San Jose Museum of Art. Some very nice stuff here. The big exhibit was by Martin Ramirez but that didn't appeal to me so much. The stuff by Camille Rose Garcia was fantastic, pop surrealism with Goth overtures. Also a nice piece by Vik Muniz who makes images using everyday objects in a mosaic-like effect.

After the museum we had lunch at Gordon Biersch, we sat in the sun, drinking beer and listening to jazz.

From lunch we headed over to the Children's Discovery Museum. This is an amazing place full of interactive displays. The water area with the whirlpools and the soap bubble displays were very cool. Full of kids so we didn't get to play with too many of the things :)

All sunned out we headed back to the hotel. Got our meeting with Sun tomorrow before heading back to Auckland. Supposed to be meteor showers tonight will see if we can see em thru the light pollution.

1 comment:

Amelia Ackerman said...

It looks so warm and sunny there I'm having total weather jealousy. On a side note I can't believe you let Young out of the hotel in those fluro pink pants... Yay! only 2 sleeps till you're back.